Higher Education Ministry in Georgia
The United Methodist Church has a long-standing commitment to serving students on the college and university campuses of the world. Through the UMCommission, the North and South Georgia Annual Conferences support 9 UM-related campuses and many Wesley Foundations across the state.

Young Clergy Fellowship
Interested in exploring a call to ordained ministry?
Are you a College Student student, or know a College Student? Please follow this link so we can welcome you on campus
Creating engaging and transformative experiences that invite students into relationship with God and each other
Forming ministries that are innately attuned to the needs and life of the campuses they serve
Investing our lives in each other as a way to deepen our understanding of our faith
and life together
Looking beyond the campus into the communities to discover ways we can generously share our lives with others
Equipping students with experience and support to become the kind of leaders who make the world a better place by allowing their faith to shape their lives and the world
Always looking toward ways we can better serve our students and communities by sparking curiosity, experimentation, and longing to be in relationship with others

What + Who
Supporting United Methodist Higher Education Ministries in Georgia
The Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher Education and Collegiate Ministry (UMCommission) oversees and underpins the higher education ministries of the North and South Georgia Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church. We provide support, funding, administration, and long-term vision casting for the campus ministries and United Methodist schools in the state of Georgia.

UM Schools
Nine United Methodist-related Campuses in Georgia
Since 1784, The United Methodist Church (then The Methodist Episcopal Church) has been committed to building and supporting institutions of higher education around the world as a way to ensure all people have the opportunity for an educational experience rooted in our Wesleyan heritage.
Today, as part of a network of over 700 institutions world-wide, we support nine UM-related campuses in Georgia. Each with their own unique expressions, these campuses offer rigorous educational experiences paired with an enriching culture of religious life led by a gifted team of college and university chaplains.
As a United Methodist student, you may qualify for additional grants or scholarships!
Campus Ministry
Wesley Foundations & Wesley Fellowships
Wesley Foundations and Fellowships are the missional presence of The UMC on the college and university campuses of the world. Led by a Wesley Director, Campus Minister or a team of leaders, these ministries are committed to supporting students’ spiritual growth through our core expressions:
worship + discipleship + mission + outreach + leadership + innovation
We currently support ministries on campuses across Georgia with plans to expand ministries to even more campuses. To do so, we need your help! Support our Growth Fund so that we can strengthen our growing ministries and create new opportunities for ministry on the campuses of Georgia.

Contact Us
Mailing Address:
70 Low Creek Drive
Toccoa, GA 30577
Get Connected
We would love to help you connect to a campus ministry in Georgia. Give us a shout today to learn more!